The branch’s annual performance had, against all sane odds, ended up beating what had been euphemistically deemed an insanely over-ambitious array of targets, and her critical input had been instrumental to its impressive and indisputable achievement (so very well put, she even considered a sheepish tear, but decided against it, last minute).
Before he’d been given the chance to reach his thirties it was as if the natural selection sickle had caught up with him. It was explained in detail and in a sober tone that the extension of the damage done to the basilar artery was anything but a trivial matter, and several doomsday scenarios were painted with graphic colours. It didn’t take long and all of them came to be.
How about your pipeline?
Pretty much dried up of late. It seems to herald the expiration of a most glorious yawning career. I can recognise the writing on the wall.
You surely came to the right place.
She was under no illusion that the whole thing was at the point of spinning out of control, or that within a couple of minutes she’d be on her knees sobbing convulsively and feeling regretful for her pitiable and wretched self. But that could wait.
Before he’d been given the chance to reach his thirties it was as if the natural selection sickle had caught up with him. It was explained in detail and in a sober tone that the extension of the damage done to the basilar artery was anything but a trivial matter, and several doomsday scenarios were painted with graphic colours. It didn’t take long and all of them came to be.
That’s the name of my curse, now, isn’t it? Money. Money heals it all. It’s all I’m left with when the dust settles. My father drags me to the bizarrest realms of the world, hopping from company board to company board to die of bitterness, if anything. No father? Not to worry, got assets, plenty of them. My most-truly-endeared-A-lister-photographer ex-husband, who could never keep away from the goods of his trade, of course a free spirit, a pictorial troubadour utterly incapable of evading his nature (it’s always the nature, isn’t it? damn the frog), an altruistic soul that to this day over-compensates with money the mate he never was.